The Fog

So tonight there came rolling in a gentle fog. Since it doesn't fog too much here in Texas I was enjoying it while I was driving home from UPS. Most people would freak out but it was soothing to me. The fog was so thick that you could barely see about 100 feet in front of you. The normal city lights that shine so bright were silenced by the fog. The journey home which seems to be boring on most days became an exciting journey. Okay... Maybe not that exciting but it was entertaining. I had to stay alert and focused, but as I stayed alert and focused I began to drift off into thought. I know, I know that is not what is supposed to happen but it resulted in this blog. I began to think that life all to often surrounds us with fog like circumstances. The circumstance looks like we can not make it through and that is all around us. But God gives us the road lines (Bible) and reflectors (Prayer & family/friends) to make it through. If we study hard what God's Word says then we will know the direction we need to go, ultimately making it easy to navigate through the thick fog. The reflectors although there on the road everyday really don't play a factor in your driving until the weather dictates it. I began to think that our family and friends can play as great reflectors to help us stay on the correct path to make it through our tough foggy circumstances. Anyways, I just was thinking about the analogy of the fog and I thought I would share it.
Very nice analogy. It's cool to read your thoughts on these everyday events and how you relate them to your walk. Very cool my man.
My new favorite phrase/could-be-bandname:
"silenced by the fog"
I think I might steal it.
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