
I have recently noticed that most of my life involves a false reality. For instance, movies, TV, video games, and music all serve great entertainment purposes. However, if one such as myself lives most of their life in this type of environment then a person can develop a clouded mind of what true reality is supposed to be like.
As I watch a movie or TV, listen to music, or play a video game it leads me into a world that is unrealistic. A place that has greener grass. A place where the hero actually wins. A place where I want to be in my personal life. I have so many goals and want so much because of this unrealistic environment that I surround myself in. The question that I ask myself is this, "Is this a good thing to have such high demanding and what can seem as unrealistic goals?" Perhaps it is because it keeps me driven, but it probably isn't healthy that's for sure. I guess I work hard toward these goals to stay away from my biggest fear which is that one day I will look back on my life that has passed and see that I was just another average person. One that didn't accomplish too much, one that worked for a living doing something he really didn't enjoy. One that just went through the motions. I don't want to be this kind of person. As I have said before, "I want to be someone who is great. A great leader that left a legacy of good." But what is the key to not being average?
It is hard to express feelings sometimes in words but this feeling of being average certainly scares me, yet I feel I am stuck in it.
Is there anyone else who feels like this besides me?
Just make sure you are measuring yourself on God's scale and not people's scale. Those metrics are quite different. Good stuff though...
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