Is History Destined To Repeat?
Each day we are seeing the Freedoms of America passing. Each day we are seeing the Federal Government grow. Gradually gaining more and more power in each sector of America. Each day we are seeing the core of our soul being told what we can or can't do. Oppression is being administered from the Capital of DC. Yet, we as Americans are currently standing by and doing nothing. We see things we disagree with. We see things not right. Yet we are standing silent. Perhaps we are expecting someone else to stand. Perhaps we are scared. But the fact of the matter is nothing is currently being done to stop the growth of our Federal Government. We can see that nothing is being done by our elected officials because they are the ones causing the growth and there is nothing being done by the Supreme Court to protect the people from oppression. The check-and-balance system we believed was structured soundly has been turned into a farce. I believe someday soon history will be forced to repeat itself. We haven't seemed to have learned the lessons of our founding fathers. We haven't seemed to grasp the understanding that the American Revolution occurred because of the oppressive government of Great Britain. We haven't remembered that being free is worth fighting for. I am not an advocate of war, but I am also not an advocate of silence. There comes a time when the balance of reverence of our government leaders and the desire for freedom will conflict. We may be at the beginning stages of this conflict and I see there is a strong possibility that history may repeat itself so that the freedoms of all Americans will be restored. Which side will you be on? Do you believe that Americans should stand up for their individual freedoms and let their voices be heard or do you believe we should continue to allow decisions to be made from DC that take away our individual freedoms?
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