Happy New Year!
Here is my official happy new year.
As we close the chapter of 2005 it is important to make short term goals for 2006.
Here is a list of my goals for 2006.
1. Grow closer to God and maintain that relationship.
2. Find a new profession as my previous post mentioned.
3. Expand my friendships. Hopefully find that special someone :)
4. Increase Delicatefade.com to better serve its customers and clients.
5. Launch esongs.net
6. Workout more and maintain a good weight.
7. Continue school at the Univ. Of Phoenix
8. Have fun and enjoy life... Make this year count so I don't feel like I am wasting my life away.
I wish everyone who reads this a Blessed 2006.
New Profession!!!!!!!!
So the other day I got a phone call from my boss at UPS. She said that she just found out that all of our administrative assistants had been laid off effective that day - 12/27/2005. What a great Christmas present. Now this I have to admit made me furious. Not only were we already under staffed by one or two people in our HR department which made me already have to work long hours without compensation to get the jobs done, but they took two assistants away from us with this decision. We are now a 2 person department that is running a department that really needs 5 or 6 people. The two of us are personally responsible for at least 650 people and their potential problems that work for UPS. Plus it is our responsibility to staff the building. So we have to meet an extra 30 - 40 people per week to see if they are qualified to work for UPS. To top it all off... my boss then throws in at the end of the conversation the fact that she was told we can not work over our allowed hours to get the work done that needs to be done. How ridiculous. When they start asking me why I am unable to complete my assignments on time then I will personally look at them and say. "It is your fault. You give me these assignments.. you take away my help... then you won't allow me to work overtime. You have tied my hands behind my back. It is your fault I am unable to do my job in the allowed time."
They laid off the assistants because they claim our budget was cut because we have no money... Come on Now!!!!
Let me give you a brief synopsis of UPS profit earnings for a couple of recent quarters.
1st Quarter 2005 - $882 Million net income
2nd Quarter 2005 - $986 Million net income
3rd Quarter 2005 - $953 Million net income
4th Quarter 2005 - Not reported yet.... but it will be high because they laid off our workers.
Okay now... please tell me if some of the extra millions per quarter of net profit UPS make can't be used to pay 2 workers that make $11.00 an hour with no additional benefits because they work out of a temporary agency.
Do you see my frustrations?
Needless to say I am looking for a new profession. Anybody have a part time job for me? I have Delicate Fade, Inc. full time which is fine, but I still would need some additional benefits (medical, pay for school, etc.) to get by in life.
I hate spam!!!!
I live off of email. That is how my business is operated mostly via email and internet. But I get so much spam that it is ridiculous!!!!!!!!! I hate spam!!!! I literally spend at least 10 minutes out of my day deleting all the spam mail I get. I hate spam!!!! This is even after I have set up filters that block specific spam words that make the email go straight to the delete folder so I don't see the spam. I hate spam!!!! My guess is I would be spending 20 minutes a day deleting pointless emails called spam if I didn't setup those filters. Did I mention that I hate spam!!!!
Who are all these people anyways?????? They don't really exist.
Whoever came up with the concept of spam should be Dealt With accordingly.
I hate spam!!!!
Who is with me???? Who else hates spam too?????
Oh great I just got 25 spam emails while doing this blog!
Call of Duty
So everyday as of late I get this calling...... to rise up and fulfill my Call Of Duty!!!!
The call comes from my computer saying load me up and start to game. In case you were wondering Call of Duty is a WWII computer game that came out about 3 or 4 years ago. I used to play the game when it originally came out, but then got away from it because it became a little boring. To many Spray-And-Prayers!!!! Then one day my friend shaheen found this really cool server... he said, "Hey Prez, we need to play on this all rifles server." So we began to play... then we began to play more and more and more. See what happens is that the server keeps stats and there is a specific website that displays the stats for all the gamers that play on that specific Call of Duty server. So now without even realizing it I play all the time. I have this sneaking suspicion that I have what we folks call a desire to be # 1. I try to hide it but I can't seem to control it!!! Well as it stands right now I am ranked # 11 out of the total server. Not bad..Not Bad... But it isn't # 1.. So I will continue to play until I am the best..... Hope to see you on the game if you play. If you don't play and you are looking for me then I am probably at my house playing Call of Duty.

Peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta get some more gaming in.
Changing the World!
I have a real desire to change the world. Anybody else feel this way?? Well this desire all started when I was browsing the news about a year ago and saw nothing but tragedy after tragedy. I felt like there was no hope for this world unless somebody steps up and leads us. So I began to take a strong interest in politics. Republican of course... Speaking of politics I have to say that I admire President Bush's response to the overall terrorist threat. I feel that there is no other way to handle terrorist but to seek them out and to destroy them before they take out innocent people claiming they are a part of the holy jihad. I know this is a strong subject but I feel strongly about this. So in an effort to change the world I am trying to better myself now so that in the future I can be a strong leader for this nation. Changing the world for the better that is my goal.
All About The Phil!!!!!!
As most people start off their blogs with an introduction about themselves I guess I should not change the pattern of the norm. Doing so might potentially get me in trouble!!!
My name is Phillip Freeman and right now I am 23 years old and I live in Keller, Texas. I do go by several different aliases mainly because I play video games and I use the internet. The internet forces you to always have a screen name or a username... so you are almost forced to have an alias or aliases. Well my aliases are and I quote.."Mr. President, Buster Clutch Bunny, Dr. Clutch, Buster, Phil, Dr. Phil, Feel Free Man, Jedi Master Phil, Etc.," I am sure I missed a couple but who is really counting or who really cares.
I was born on 7/20/1982 to two loving parents, David and Joyce Freeman. They have cared for me all my life even to this date. I am truly blessed and I love my parents. On that day I also became a little brother to two older brothers. My oldest brother's name is Jamie and my other brother's name is Nathan. Both are married and have several children. I will talk more about my brothers and their families at a later date. I do have to throw out one thing. Jamie keeps asking me for his big brother tax to be paid. Does anybody else have to pay their older brother a big brother tax??? Just curious... I am expecting a refund later this year.
Currently I am a small business CEO of Delicate Fade, Inc. and I would like to make the company I founded a fortune 500 company one day. I also am a Human Resources Supervisor at UPS during the night time. As you can see I work a lot.
Well that is it for me now. I will try to post on a consistant basis so check back often!!!