Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Day!

All in all it was a good Memorial Day! I used to take for granted days off from work, but now I see them as treasured days off because I work so much. Today was a different type of free day though. For this day, Memorial Day, needs to be one where we as Americans focus and remember the fallen men and women that have served our Country, so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have.

Out of freedom today I watched the Texas Rangers win a well pitched game and I went to a movie. The movie was "Flight 93" which was a very emotional and touching movie. If you have not seen it I would advise that you do. Prepare yourself to cry, but remember that what you see in this movie really happened. This was not a fictional glamorous Hollywood production. These events really happened and they are a key reason why we fight a global war on terror today on foreign soil. If you are a war protestor then you need to watch this movie to be reminded of the hate that is upon America's innocent. Maybe then you will be reminded that the war on terror was provoked by Islamic Extremists and not by the Bush Administration.

As I was walking out of the movie I just kept thinking to myself two things. First thing I was thinking was that I was very proud that the passengers fought back. There is no reason that one should not fight back. The other thing I was thinking was that I just wish we could get Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist group. He is solely responsible and he and his terrorist group should be dealt with.

May The One True And Living God Really Bless America!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Art of Patience!

Today I am just waiting... on what... I don't know. But I know that whatever I am waiting on is not here yet, therefore, I am telling myself that I must be patient. I should be asleep but I can't sleep. I am too tired to work, so my only alternative is just to sit and try to pass the time. While I wait on whatever it is I am waiting for I decided to look up what being patient is and the definitions below populated from webster.com.


1 : bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint
2 : manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain
3 : not hasty or impetuous
4 : steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity

These definitions are nothing of what I thought being patient was about. I thought that it meant that you just wait. However, these definitions truly portray that being patient is to be calm or pleasant in a difficult situation. I know that in my past I have failed to be patient many times, but I want to be patient now. Regardless of the situation or trial I am in I want to be calm and pleasant. I am reminded of the classic movie, "Harvey" in which Elwood P. Dowd (James Stewart) said, "In this world, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. And you may quote me." I agree...I have been oh so smart and accomplished alot but I was not pleasant. I want to be pleasant as much as I can be. If I no longer become this... Please put me back in check and remind me... You want to be pleasant and calm in life, regardless of your circumstance.

I'm out! Peace........ V