Funniest Statement of 2006!
Careful what you say to me... I'm writing your story now!
-- The Shigeru
The Great Crossing!
I was sitting at a light on my way home from getting a quick bit to eat today. There about 30 yards from the light were two squirrels attempting to make it across the almighty "Road." I had hope for these two squirrels as I sat there that one day, hopefully today, they would be able to reach the other side of the road because the grass was truly greener on the other side. This was a fact. As I began to slow up to the red light the first squirrel started in the street. He or She got about half way in my lane when he realized... This is not a good time to go... It paused in the middle of the lane, pondering the old song lyics by the band "The Clash" thinking "Should I Stay Or Should I Go?" One thing the squirrel had to consider during this moment of thought was not only was it responsible for it's life but the life of the following squirrel. Could this squirrel take on the F250 that was approaching through the light... The answer was simple in my mind and I wanted desperately to tell the squirrel... NO! Get back to the side of the road. I even tried to use "The Force." But sure enough the squirrel was either smart enough to move, I truly have the power of "The Force", or it got scared and it went to the side of the road. When it got to the side of the road it pirched on an old rotten fence post while the other squirrel waited below on the ground. Now it sat pirched waiting for the opportunity to make it across the great road. On a lighter note the first squirrel made the right decision and perhaps saved the life of the second squirrel. On a darker note it is truly a tragedy that mankind has made it so difficult with the invention of the car for a common squirrel to cross the road. Another thing that is sad for the squirrel has to be the innovation of the four lane road. Man that must be tough for those squirrels!!
I wish you the best of luck squirrel in reaching your oasis across the street!!!!
The Fog
So tonight there came rolling in a gentle fog. Since it doesn't fog too much here in Texas I was enjoying it while I was driving home from UPS. Most people would freak out but it was soothing to me. The fog was so thick that you could barely see about 100 feet in front of you. The normal city lights that shine so bright were silenced by the fog. The journey home which seems to be boring on most days became an exciting journey. Okay... Maybe not that exciting but it was entertaining. I had to stay alert and focused, but as I stayed alert and focused I began to drift off into thought. I know, I know that is not what is supposed to happen but it resulted in this blog. I began to think that life all to often surrounds us with fog like circumstances. The circumstance looks like we can not make it through and that is all around us. But God gives us the road lines (Bible) and reflectors (Prayer & family/friends) to make it through. If we study hard what God's Word says then we will know the direction we need to go, ultimately making it easy to navigate through the thick fog. The reflectors although there on the road everyday really don't play a factor in your driving until the weather dictates it. I began to think that our family and friends can play as great reflectors to help us stay on the correct path to make it through our tough foggy circumstances. Anyways, I just was thinking about the analogy of the fog and I thought I would share it.
My Colorblind Friend - Check out the section that shows the last 10 added song request and last 10 chord charts added. The section with the gray and the black lines around it.
My friend can't tell that the background in the bubbles are gray... He thinks they are white.... but the background is not white it is gray. Because of this I had to inform him that he is colorblind.
Sorry Shaheen... But you are colorblind!
The Attack of the Media!
Most of you may now have heard by now that Olympic Snowboarder Lindsey Jacobellis made a mistake on the last hill of her run, fell because of the trick she tried to pull and lost the Gold medal because of it. Now this is truly a sad thing. For an athlete to work so hard to get the Gold medal... have it in her sights... then to make a mistake. However, she is human. We all make mistakes. Life goes on. Here is what Lindsey had to say about the incident, "I was having fun," Jacobellis said. "Snowboarding is fun. I was ahead. I wanted to share my enthusiasm with the crowd. I messed up. Oh well, it happens."
Certainly a good attitude to have about the situation!! However, I was watching some of the olympics and NBC... YES... NBC consistently talked about the incident over and over and over. Come on now, we all make mistakes... report it then get on with life. Yes, the incident was worth doing a report, but not worth the carrying and commotion I saw them do on NBC. This situation just made the water run over in my mind. I have been fed up with the Media for awhile now because of their desire to humiliate people. They have turned a resource where people can get information to a competition of who can saturate with the most coverage and who can humiliate a victim im sorry a subject of the news the most. Take the Dick Cheney hunting situation... Sure it was worth reporting, but was it worth having 5 days of nonstop coverage on CNN. No! It affected a couple of men and their families. The hunter is recovering fine and no the VP did not shoot him on purpose. Accident!!!! We all have them. Besides hunting accidents happen all the time by nonfamous people and there is no 5 day nonstop coverage of the incident. Their only goal during this time was to humiliate the Vice President and to have America hate the Vice President.
So here is my point. When will we have a media that reports news...then tries to help people overcome difficult situations in their lives? When will this time of positive news occur? I hope it is soon because it is embarrassing to me that we as respectable people let the media humiliate others.
Something New! Big News!
You guys will never believe this. However, I felt it was worth an annoucement and a blog. Now I don't want to leave you in suspense so I don't want to build the news up to much. But I feel that this news is so big and so huge that there has to be a little suspense. That way when you finally get done reading the paragraph you can then have your self so ready and excited about the news that nothing else in the world will distract you from continueing to read. Sure your wife is calling you, some of you should be doing homework, perhaps you are hungry and need to go pick something up from the local Chipotle or perhaps you need to make yourself a Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwhich cause you are trying not to spend money. All these things are calling and asking for your focus.... But nothing will keep you from completing this paragraph because the news can't be missed... You ready.. Are you really ready. I Phillip Freeman am actually turning off my computer... when I say turning off I mean shutting down. For those of you that don't know this is huge for me. See "The Phil" operates 24-7. So turning off the computer is a huge deal!!! You can still reply to this message, email or Instant Message... Because after I wake up from a quick nap. I will turn the computer on again, and it will not be turned off for another long time. So here it is......Start...Turn Off Computer... Shut Down... BYE
Shout Unto God
I was driving home from work at 12:15am on 2/15/06 and I heard this song on Praise in the Night. I really liked it alot so I felt like sharing the song.
Hillsongs United - Shout Unto GodVerse:
The enemy has been defeated
And death couldn’t hold You down
We’re gonna lift our voice in victory
We’re gonna make Your praises loud
Shout unto God with a voice of triumph
Shout unto God with a voice of praise
Shout unto God with a voice of triumph
We lift your name up, we lift Your name up
Shark attacks fall as humans fight back
So I was browsing around on Yahoo and this was one of the story headlines of the day.... Shark attacks fall as humans fight back. This struck me funny. I had to investigate. So I did.
I read the first paragraph...
"Shark attacks dropped in 2005 because people are fighting back more often when threatened and the ranks of ocean predators are thinning, a University of Florida report said on Monday."
After I was done laughing I went on to paragraph two...
"Worldwide there were 58 shark attacks in 2005, down from 65 a year earlier, and fatalities fell to four from seven, said George Burgess, director of the International Shark Attack File housed at the university's Florida Museum of Natural History."
Here is a thought!
Could it be that sharks are just not attacking people and that us fighting back has nothing to do with the lack of attacks!! Come on... the number of attacks for 2004 was 65 and for 2005 it was 58 attacks. Hardly worth posting a university study that comes up with some lame theory. I just had to post this blog because I personally am sick of these university studies that are total bull. If you look at it you can make a university study or theory about anything in the world so lets get real.
There is my two cents about University studies!!!
Jeremiah 29:11 -14
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you." declares the Lord, "and I will bring you back from captivity."
Jeremiah 29:11-14 NIV
Is Quality Really A Crime?
So today I was working and I had the TV on in the background. I always keep it on the Disney Channel because I know then that I have good wholesome comedy on all day long while I work. Watching this channel also prevents me from having to flip channels every thirty minutes to find a good show.
Anyways, so this show called "Recess" was on. Great show by the way... It was a re-run because that is all that the Disney Channel does is show re-runs. I have seen this episode probably more than 15 times.... I know kind of sad, but something stuck out today that never really stuck out before. This specific episode focused on a new kid that moved into the neighborhood and began going to school at Third Street Elementary. To make a long story short the kid was perfect at everything. He had been a student to 38 schools since kindergarten, this beat the record of 8 different schools since kindergarten that was currently held by one of the main characters Gus. He got a hard math problem right and Gretchin, the math whiz, got it wrong. He won a foot race to the jungle gym and beat the best athlete Vince, and he one in arm wrestling against Spinelli. He was perfect at everything he did. So everyone got mad at him, except Mikey the poet, who made the statement, "Is Quality Really A Crime?" This was said by Mikey before the perfect kid won a poetry contest later that day that beat Mikey. So TJ Detweiler and the rest of the school created a school wide lockout. This prevented the kid from having any friends, or from being able to do anything. Sad I know.
But lets get to the real point. "Is Quality Really A Crime?"
Often I see in the workplace a real resentment by other individuals when someone else does something that is of quality. Why does this occur? I say it is mainly because a person is jealous of the other's talents. It can be the only logical explanation. But I think if we all just took sometime and stepped back to look at the big picture we would be able to see that the way we think is crazy when we resent another individual's talent. Jealously will get us no where. Instead of being jealous we should be thanking the person for their quality work. I think you get the point. This just hit me today so I felt about writing about it. At the end of the show... Everyone at Third Street Elementary realized that the Perfect Kid was just being himself and that it wasn't right to treat somebody unfairly if the things they do are done with quality or perfection.
When you find yourself feeling jealous about someone else just remember to ask yourself this question - "Is Quality Really A Crime?" I think if you do your outlook on the situation will change.
"To Be Of Use"
"To Be Of Use"
Marge Piercy
The people I love the best
jump into work head first
without dallying in the shallows
and swim off with sure strokes almost out of sight.
They seem to become natives of that element,
the black sleek heads of seals
bouncing like half submerged balls.
I love people who harness themselves, an ox to a heavy cart,
who pull like water buffalo, with massive patience,
who strain in the mud and the muck to move things forward,
who do what has to be done, again and again.
I want to be with people who submerge
in the task, who go into the fields to harvest
and work in a row and pass the bags along,
who stand in the line and haul in their places,
who are not parlor generals and field deserters
but move in a common rhythm
when the food must come in or the fire be put out.
The work of the world is common as mud.
Botched, it smears the hands, crumbles to dust.
But the thing worth doing well done
has a shape that satisfies, clean and evident.
Greek amphoras for wine or oil,
Hopi vases that held corn, are put in museums
but you know they were made to be used.
The pitcher cries for water to carry
and a person for work that is real.
This is the Life!!!!!!!!!!

This is truly the life!!!! Cats have it made!