Ode to Chipotle!
Oh Chipotle Burrito how you are so good. Two hands and many napkins are required during consumption. The hot sauce is so hot that it should be illegal. The medium sauce should be considered the hot sauce. Perhaps there is an addicting substance used.... It draws everyone who tries it back for more.
You will now forever be known as "The Happy Pill."
You are what every America can consider a real Weapon Of Mass Destruction.

Ode to Chipotle!
6 Weird Facts/Things/Habits about me
Felipe's 6 Weird Facts/Things/Habits...
1. I can't do just one thing at a time. If I find myself only doing one thing I begin something else. I will go crazy if I am just doing one thing. Example: Right now I am writing this blog, while music is on, the TV is on, I am instant messaging, and I am working on my website.
2. I keep the TV almost all day and night on one channel... Yes I know, I am an Adult, but it is always on the Disney Channel. Why do I do this you ask?? Mainly because I am to preoccupied with other stuff to change the channel every thirty minutes. The Disney channel has good clean comedy on all day long.
3. I entertain myself by laughing at my own jokes. This occurs especially when writing out blogs, or while I am instant messaging someone. There will be times that I laugh at what I say so much that after I send it I am like... "Isn't that funny." The recipient usually replies... "Not really!" But hey who cares, at least I am laughing and I am entertained.
4. I am a picky eater. This results in me eating the same food over and over. Chicken all the way. You can't go wrong with chicken.
5. Most of my conversations with my close friends are about absolutely nothing. Thus making them enjoyable but not meaningful. These conversations range in topic so I can't give you a specific, but the word "noob" is used a lot.
6. Finally, I find myself checking myspace every couple minutes. This may not sound weird to you, but it is. Why, because for starters I signed up to receive myspace messages via my cell phone. Therefore, when I receive a message I know I have one because my phone buzzes. Secondly, I am usually on in the middle of the night because that is when I am up. NO ONE ELSE IS ON REALLY!!!! How can I receive a message when no one else is awake but me... Conclusion...I can't. So I should stop checking to see if I have a new message every couple of minutes. Myspace is addicting!!
There you have it!!!
Pen Klepto

Ladies and Gentlemen... I have a confession to make. I am unfortunately a pen kleptomaniac. I just found the courage to face my disease and to tell everyone. This way when I am running for office no enemy can use my pen kleptomaniac disease against me because I came out and let the public know before hand.
Occassionally I will use a pen at my office and then find it later in my pocket while at home. I set it out and make a mental note that I need to take it back to work. I forget. The next day I would grab a new pen to use throughout the day. Then once again I will be looking for something and there in my pocket will be the pen of the day. Sometimes there ends up being two or three pens in my pocket. This has been going on for the past five years. Now normally a disease of this magnetude would have been corrected by now but I have been unable to get help. Tonight I realized that I needed to confess my problem because when I was putting a drink in the cup holder in my truck there was five pens from work blocking access to the drink holder.
So watch your pens around me because I am prone to taking them, but I mean no harm.
Adventures of Big Red: Part 3 - The Case of the Missing Engine
Adventure 3:
Scenario: Fall 1998, Football Practice
Major Problem: Big Red "STILL" falling a part!
So once again this story revolves around me driving to football practice in the morning sometime in the fall of '98. Please note that I can't say one particular morning because the events of this story occurred at least 4 or 5 times throughout the year. If you remember that in "Adventures of Big Reg Part 2" that I had to pick up my friend Josh up each morning you will be a fully aware that "Big Red" did not almost just take my life, but my friend's life as well in the story.
So here we are cruising to school driving west bound on Highway 26 in Grapevine. No problems as of yet, except that it was freezing cold. For the most part we were always heading the opposite direction of the Dallas Morning traffic, so it was usually an easy traffic free ride. However, as luck would have it we did at the very end of the route have to cross the Dallas morning traffic to get into the football field house parking lot. Thus the reason for this story. Some days we had plenty of gaps and time to cross the traffic without any worries. But I can recall that there was at least 4 or 5 times that a certain incident would occur at the wrong time when crossing the road. Highway 26 at this point in life was a 4 lane highway with no turn lane. It was crucial that if you where in the left lane turning across traffic that you do it as soon as possible, because there would be cars flying up behind you that would almost crash into the back of you because there was no turn lane. (Side note: There is now a turn lane on Highway 26. A little late, but at least there is one now.) So here we are sitting in the middle of the road, waiting and waiting and waiting for a gap to shoot. Josh was my navigator. Every morning it was like Top Gun to get across the road. We had to estimate the enemies distance and then shoot the car through the gap just in time. Josh said okay I think this gap will be big enough. I said, "Are you sure, remember Big Red is BIG." He said, "I think so." My response was I need a countdown and a car model and color. Josh says, "after that White Honda Accord". I said "Okay, Lets Do This." Josh begins the countdown, "5...4...3...2...1...GO, GO, GO." Phil's foot to the floor... the car barely starts to go then all of the sudden.... ENGINE DIES!!!!! I am in the the middle of the oncoming traffic across two lanes. The first row of cars after the gap began the "Slam Their Foot On The Brake Process." Josh is like, "We are gonna die." I am frantically trying to get the car to start while in my head I am thinking, "We are gonna die." Ignition start attempt number one was a success. "Go, Go, Go." We make it into the field house parking lot as the cars are still slamming on their breaks waving at us with anger. Our hearts are still pounding when we pulled into the parking spot. "Well, we survived another Big Red almost killed us event." Once in the locker room we began to tell the story of how once again... We almost died today.
Lets just say that in most cases after the original Engine dying occurrence that Josh and I were a little bit more cautious on what gap we shot, but unfortunately we had to make some close calls.
Lesson learned in this story... "Continue saving up for that Ford Mustang that I originally planned to buy."
Big Red Adventure 3: "The Case of the Missing Engine."
Adventures of Big Red: Part 2 - The Case of the Missing Brakes
Adventure 2:
Scenario: Fall 1998, Football Practice at 8:00am. If you are late.. Prepare to run lots of laps!!
Major Problem: Big Red falling a part!
I get into Big Red one cold morning. I mention the weather because it took Big Red several miles or minutes to warm up. So I was always so freezing cold in the mornings during the fall and winter. I backed out of the drive way. No problems. Yeah!!! I am on a roll. No pun intended yet. I put the car in drive and take it three houses down to the first "Stop Sign" and I stop. I turn right and drive down the road about half a mile to the first light. Just then all of the sudden I put my foot on the brake..... and I got no response. Except the rush of fear through my body. You see the scenario was this. My light was red and I was in the right lane. I began to attempt to slow up to stop but "Big Red" had other plans. Just then I looked over to signal to the car that was about to turn right out in front of me that I can't stop. Guess what this car turned out to be, a motorcycle Police Officer. He stops his progression in time for me not to hit him. I coasted through the intersection with all eyes on me. I swear I could here a pen drop if one did. I am thinking the whole time. I almost killed an Officer, I am going to jail for attempted manslaughter!! As luck would have it the car stopped about 50 feet past the intersection. At this point the Officer pulled up and said, "You need to get that car back home before you kill someone." Then he drove off.

Of course, he stated the obvious but I knew something that he didn't. I was gonna be late for football practice if I took the car home and there was no way I was gonna run laps because of "Big Red." Now that I look back, I see that I was childish in that thought process, but who can blame me then. These coaches put so much fear of punishment in you that I thought it would be the end of the world if I was late. So I continued on toward practice with one pit stop on the way. I had to pick up my friend Josh. So not only would I be responsible for being late but I would be responsible for Josh being late. I couldn't do that to my friend. Besides he is an expert mechanic compared to what I know. I just know that I pushed the "left pedal" and no stoppy occurred. He was at that time needing a ride because he was rebuilding a 56 Chevy truck from the ground up so I figured he could help me when I got to his house. I made it to his house with a run of a stop sign and a really slow pull up to an uphill light that was red when I started to brake about a quarter of mile back. By the time I got near any cars the light was green. So I am at Josh's and he comes out of the house. After I tell him my story he says well lets look under the hood to see if you have any brake fluid. I thought.... GENIUS.... I am surrounded by a Genius. Sure enough the brake fluid had a leak and it was extremely low. He said I have some in my garage. We poured quickly... then cruised on to football practice.
Moral of the story folks is..... Don't Be Late To Football Practice!
Big Red Adventure 2: "The Case of the Missing Brakes."
Adventures of Big Red: Part 1 - The Case of the Missing Fire Exstinguisher
I hung out with my friend Lindsey the other day and somehow in the conversation we got to talking about my daily adventures of almost dieing in "Big Red." She was unaware that everyday she saw me during my Sophomore year of high school was a day that I could have not been there. She took those days for granted... I guess I did too, but I'm alive to tell the tales. For those of you who do not know what "Big Red" is take a look at the picture below. Then you will understand!!!

1963 Ford Galaxie 500XL
So now you know what "Big Red" is, lets get to the Adventures.
Adventure 1:
Scenario: Summer before high school. Car broken in garage.
Major Problem: Everything was broken... EVERYTHING!
"Big Red" was sitting in the garage, nothing would get it to start and more specifically the wiring harness in the dash was messed up so no lights would come on in the car. I was told by my father that this would be my car to drive because my parents nor I couldn't afford to buy another car. I began to work on it. First mission was to rewire the entire wiring harness in the dashboard. At that point all wires where useless. So I read a book or two and began the wiring process. After working on the wiring for a couple hours each day it only took me two or three weeks to complete the tasks. But believe me when I say it is uncomfortable to be under the dashboard of a vehicle.
Next task was to fix the broken carburetor. I tried to rebuild the existing one. I was pumping the gas after I made some adjustments and there was a leak... I had my dad looking at this with me. Now I have to say that I honestly believe my dad and I are brilliant, but for some small reason we both weren't thinking at the same time thus resulting in a decision to start the car again. Now flashback to 5 seconds ago when I said there was a gas leak... Gas was all over the top of the manifold... Gas plus spark equals FIRE!!!!!!!! FIRE, FIRE IN THE GARAGE!!! THE CAR IS ON FIRE! Panic time... I looked for the fire exstinguisher that I swore was in the trunk. Not there. Looked around in the garage. Nope still no where to be found. Go get the hose.... This was probably the dumber idea I had. The fire was just a small fire inside the carburetor but once I sprayed the water on it the fire spread to the top of the engine.... BIGGER FIRE!!!! My dad ran into the house to get the flour which thus after several layers of caking the fire with the flour the fire was put out. Now I have a burned up carburetor, flour covered engine, and a melted coat of paint on top of the hood. So after pondering what just happened my dad and I both still in shock and frustration pulled the hood down a little on the car. There right in front of our eyes on the wall blending in with the Red hood.... was, yep you guessed it.. THE FIRE EXSTINGUISHER... ON THE WALL! Who does that???
So I had to buy a new carburetor for around $112.39. I installed the new carburetor. The car is now drivable but the paint on the hood is gone.
Big Red Adventure 1: "The Case of the Missing Fire Exstinguisher."
Definition Of A democrat
So yesterday I had an epiphany... Actually I knew this info all along I just didn't have the words to express it until yesterday. Here is my statement on the definition of a democrat.
"A Democrat: An individual who believes certain things happened that didn't really happen to make their point of view right." -- Phillip Freeman
The Platform of the Democratic Party... "No Ideas, Just Complaints." -- Phillip Freeman
My father would be proud of me. I am working on a book that is quotable quotes. In this book you will find several epiphanies that turn into quotable quotes from Phil. Perhaps this book will take care of the financial cost of becoming the United States President in 2020.
What Makes A Good Blog?
I have been pondering what really makes a blog good. Why, I don't know... Just something to do. Well, I believe what makes the best blog is one that is "Controversial." See after reviewing all my post the most commented on post has to be the one where I called Shaheen colorblind. Now that is Controversy Folks..... See he believes he isn't... I believe he is.
So... I am curious about what the readers think makes a blog good. Is it controversy, fact driven, spiritual, funny, etc.
Let me know.
Back in Action!
Well folks... I got banned from my favorite COD server because of The Architect!!! Cough, Cough "Shig The Architect" Cough, Cough
I have in this process of being banned expressed some displease towards the horrible admin, figured out how to renew my IP address, found out they ban you based on your IP and your Game CD Key, and spent $21.03 on a new version of the game so that I could get a new CD key. I will have to say however, that it is worth it. I really missed playing the game over the course of this week. I now have successfully logged onto the server and been able to play a round. Of course I have to play under a different name (My altar Ego), otherwise I just threw $21.03 down the drain. I know the shig will resist... But I will convince him to play again. If you need the money... just let me know.
To play now I figure I have to not talk a lot... which takes the fun out of the game, and NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE must refer to me as Mr. President that knows who I really am. That goes for you Shigeru, Lightning Derrick, and Loki! Nate, be careful that you don't say bro or anything when we play.
Thank you... I just wanted to post this because of my Triumph over a horrible admin.
To summarize this whole episode I will leave you with the words of the Shig, "I can reinvent myself.... I Will Be Back!"
Personal Income Taxes Complete!
My project for this afternoon was to...
A.) Go to Best Buy to purchase Turbo Tax for both Personal & Business
B.) Do my personal income taxes.
C.) Make sure that I did them to where I would receive a refund! HA
Mission Complete!!!!